Kawartha Land Trust

More than any other organization in the area, Kawartha Land Trust is at the forefront of protecting lands for future generations.   At the core of KLT’s efforts is the acquisition of lands in order to protect them in perpetuity as well as the negotiation of permanent protection for lands that may remain in private hands.  

While KLT protects lands to promote biodiversity and fight climate change they also create significant opportunities for 4-season recreational trail use. 

While KLT works quietly in the background, we at Wild Rock feel that we owe them a great deal for all that they do to protect our home in the Kawarthas.

Questions For KLT

John Kintare, Executive Director

Why do you feel that it is important to be preserving land in the Kawarthas right now?

The vibrant and iconic natural lands of the Kawarthas are at risk of development. Once natural lands are developed, they’re gone for good and so are their many benefits. Conserving land in the Kawarthas for current and future generations ensures:

  • The protection of vital habitat for wildlife, including species at risk like Map Turtles, Eastern Whip-poor-wills, Eastern Ribbonsnakes, and many others.

  • The creation of wildlife corridors to reconnect fragmented lands.

  • Our protected lands contribute to nature-based climate solutions for our region.

  • We can continue to provide the community with opportunities to connect with nature through our public access properties, hiking trails, trail network, and events.

Since its inception how many KLT properties host public access hiking trails?

Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) currently has trails on six of our protected properties and one managed property. To find a KLT trail near you, you can visit our public access trails page:


In 2016, we launched our Stony Lake Trails network in North Kawartha. The interconnected trails on two of our protected properties — Jeffrey-Cowan Forest Preserve and Ingleton Wells Property — and trail agreements with private landowners like Viamede Resort ensure that residents and visitors can access 10 kilometres of trails on the north shore of Stony Lake. Learn more about KLT’s Stony Lake Trails: https://kawarthalandtrust.org/stony-lake-trails/.

What is KLT working on next? We are in the planning stages of trying to bring a 29-kilometre trail network from Lakefield to Burleigh Falls to life.

How many acres of land are currently under KLT protection?  

As of July 2023, Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) permanently protects and stewards over 5,350 acres of land in the Kawarthas. We’ve achieved this success through the dedication and support of our donors and volunteers. There is a lot more work to be done to protect sensitive ecosystems in the Kawarthas, and we know that with the support of donors and volunteers, we can continue to make an impact on our shared landscape.

What would you like Wild Rock customers to know about KLT’s efforts?

We couldn’t do it without you! Founded by volunteers and donor-supported, Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) is the only non-government land conservation organization in the Kawarthas. We want to ensure the Kawarthas you love and cherish today remain natural and vibrant for generations to come.

Are there volunteer opportunities that Wild Rock customers should know about?

Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) regularly hosts public fieldwork days throughout the year. Land stewardship opportunities include removing invasive plant species to benefit native plant species, planting trees, collecting tallgrass and wildflower seeds, garbage cleanup, maintaining trails, and much more. Come out and make a difference on the landscape! Looking for other ways to contribute? KLT is currently recruiting volunteer Property Inventory Specialists and Natural Heritage Experts to directly support our land protection goals. We’re also looking for Volunteer Event Ambassadors to be our front-line champions at local events to share KLT’s work with the broader community.

To learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities and events, you can sign up for our e-newsletter [URL for hyperlink) https://www2.kawarthalandtrust.org/l/998441/2022-12-08/3sxw/

or follow us on social media:

If you’re interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer form on our website: https://kawarthalandtrust.org/you-can-help/give-time-volunteer/.

Thank you for protecting the land you love!